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Services & Activities


10.00 - 10.45 - Breaking of Bread worship meeting

11.00 - 12.00 - All Age Service (refreshments served from 11.00-11.15)

11.25 - 12.00 - Kidzplus (school years 1-6)



19.45 - 21.15 - Bible teaching and/or prayer on some weeks (see notices on the Home page)



10.00 - 12.00 - Coffee morning



18.30 - 19.30 - Kidz@ECF: School years 1-6 (term time only)

20.00 - 21.00 - Illumin8: School years 7-10 (typically every other week during term time)

The King's Journey

Easter Holiday Club

April 2025

Join us as we learn about King David for 4 days during the Easter break. The club will run daily from 10.00 to 12.00 on Tuesday, 15th until Friday, 18th of April.


How to Attend

The King's Journey is for children in school years 1 - 6. It will be held in Efford Christian Fellowship on Torridge Way. 


Please click here to apply.

Bread & Wine

Breaking of Bread - Sunday mornings 10.00 – 10.45


We believe in the importance of starting the week with a communion service to remember the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. This service begins with a short Bible-based introduction and a worship song. Following on there is about 30 minutes of open time for prayer, Bible readings and song choices. As we near the end of the service, the bread and then the wine are offered. The Bible teaches that this should be shared by those who have confessed their sins before God and know Jesus as their personal saviour. If this isn't you yet, then please just let the bread and wine pass by.


'And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me."' Luke 22:19

ECF Family Photo

All Age Service - Sunday mornings 11.00 – 12.00


This service has a relaxed atmosphere and begins with a time to socialize and make use of the self-service refreshments area. The service starts at 11.15 and you are welcome to take your tea or coffee with you when you find a seat. We enjoy singing 2-3 songs together along with a Bible reading, prayer and sometimes a video clip.


During the last song, children are invited to join Kidzplus before the message starts with a different speaker each week. This lasts about 30 minutes and follows various themes that are set throughout the year. Those with younger children can also make use of the crèche room where they can still hear the speaker.


Kidzplus - Sunday mornings 11.25 – 12.00


Running most weeks, children have a time for themselves during the All Age Service on Sunday mornings. Bible stories, crafts, songs and games take place downstairs in the youth area. The singalongs, story time and variety of play are designed to suit children in school years 1-6.


The chairman of the All Age Service will advise when Kidzplus is starting downstairs. This is usually during the last song at around 11.25am.

Prayer Meeting

Bible Teaching and Prayer - some Wednesday evenings at 7.45pm


We believe God answers prayer and because of this, we regularly meet to pray and ask God to work in people's lives. If you would like us to pray for you please contact us, by clicking on the adjacent picture. We often enjoy Bible teaching followed by prayer.


Please see notices on the Home page for when we are meeting in the building. We often meet in each other's homes and online to pray instead.

Coffee Morning

Coffee Morning - Thursday 10.00 - 12.00


Drop in on Thursday mornings for a warm sit down. Enjoy a tea or coffee, something to nibble and someone to chat to.


Kids@ECF - Friday kids club during term time only

Friday evenings 6.30pm – 7.30pm for school years 1-6.

Children and young people are an important part of any church. Our aim at ECF is for the children and teenagers to enjoy themselves and at the same time learn that every individual is special to the Lord. 

Kidz@ECF includes singing, quizzes, bible stories, tuck shop, games and crafts giving the children plenty to do. Click here for more information and to apply.


Illumin8 - Friday fortnightly youth club during term time only

Alternate Friday evenings at 8pm – 9pm for school years 7-10. See window notice to the right of the main entrance for the date of the next session, or send us a message.

Illumin8 includes Bible discovery, games and activities. Click here to apply.

Christianity Explored

Christianity Explored


We have held a number of courses exploring the Christian faith and plan to do so in the future. If you are interested, please contact us for dates or check back regularly for news of a planned course.


Enjoy a relaxed atmosphere with coffee and refreshments. Explore with the help of a DVD what Christianity is all about. Come and bring your children to enjoy an exciting programme for them. Crèche available for pre-school children.

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